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Monday, 20 September 2010

SHAtter Exploit Developer "Pod2G" Leaves Chronic Dev Team

Few minutes ago Pod2g the well-known iPhone hacker and who discovered the SHAtter exploit which will be used in the new iOS 4.1 jailbreak, he announced that he is not affiliated with Chronic dev team anymore, and now he is working independently.

As you know that Pod2g was the most important member of the Chronic dev team in the upcoming iOS 4.1 jailbreak project, he discovered the SHAtter exploit which will be used with the Greenpois0n tool to create the jailbreak tool.
From now on, I’m not affiliated with chronic dev team anymore. I’m now working independently.

This is not a big deal for final users at all, as I gave details of my SHAtter exploit to both chronic and iphone dev teams !

To clarify: I’m an exploit maker, not a jailbreak tool developer. SHAtter is my 3rd bootrom exploit (24Kpwn was a team effort tho).
As Pod2g mentioned that he is not a jailbreak tool developer, he is just exploit maker, and already he did his mission, so the rest tasks to develop the jailbreak tool is related to another team member. But I have to reassure our respectable readers that his left will not affect the jailbreak project. but all of this did not answer the question, Why Pod2g left the Chronic Team?

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