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Monday, 25 October 2010

Fast Copy Makes Copy & Paste Faster Than Ever [Jailbreak Req]

Copy & Paste is an awesome feature was added in iOS 4 but Fast Copy can makes it better than ever! In normal, when you select a piece of text to edit (Copy, Past, Select All), it always seems to lag for a moment before actually performing the action. This issue will no longer upsets you!
Fast Copy is a new tweak available in Cydia for free under ModMyi repository, developed by comex (the developer behind Spirit jailbreak and JailbreakMe). This tools makes copy & paste faster than ever. Fast Copy removes the lag making copying and pasting feel much snapier. You must have a jailbroken device to be able to enjoy this tweak, follow our step by step guide posted here to jailbreak your iPhone or iPod touch using Limera1n.

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